Moving out plan and yucho question

Hello everyone,

I will leave Japan at the end of February/start March and this is the first time I’m moving out alone so I need some advice. I will quit my job start of February which would leave me 3 weeks to sell everything and get everything thing done. Is 3 weeks enough time to sell things like furniture and stuff?

Also I will have to transfer all my money from yucho bank to my bank in Europe. I can’t do it online because I don’t have my mynumber card and other problems with yucho lol. Has anyone else had to go to a branch office and personally ask for them to transfer all the money? How much did it cost and how long did it take? And how much money would you recommend I keep in cash for the last few days?
I”ll also ask them to close the account while I’m there (I know you don’t have to but whatever)

If you have any other suggestions on how I should handle things or be aware of I’d love the advice! Thanks 🙏

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