Your personal pluses and minuses of working for a Japanese company.

I think this could bring up some interesting points – some which are common to many people, others which are unique to a given person’s situation.

As I started the thread, I’ll go first.


The people I work with are generally competent and work as a tight unit, so it’s rare for things to go wrong. It’s a pretty tight ship.

The overall company atmosphere is polite but businesslike and brisk, so people don’t waste time dicking around. People know their job and do it.

The admin / personnel people are on the ball, so you always get paid on time, correctly, and if you take a holiday then your section leader organises backup well in advance.


Only one big one for me, and that’s the fact that everyone sends their work requests to me at almost the exact same time, which results in a massive list in my inbox. This happens at almost the exact same time on the exact same days, to the extent that I could almost set my watch by it. If they’d have the intelligence (or ability to think independently) to space out the requests a bit, then they’d actually get their work back faster, but it’s like every single person there is mentally tuned into each other and they all decide to send their requests in one massive blitz. So I have a morning where it takes me three, four hours to get through everyone’s requests, and then it just drops off to nothing for most of the rest of the day. I liken it to a toddler who screams blue murder for ages, then falls asleep for the rest of the day.

Let’s hear yours. Let’s try and keep a balance of good and bad, yeah?

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