Police chanting and banging sticks

Hi all,

I’ve googled this but can’t find any clues. I’m in Kyoto and on two separate nights, I have seen police officers walking through the streets, chanting something, and banging sticks twice intermittently. The first night, it was two police women together. Tonight, it was probably 20 parading down a major street with signs as well. I am so curious as to what they are doing! Anyone know?


  1. Fire prevention awareness, in Edogawa ku it is the fire department doing the same thing. I kind of like the idea.

  2. When I lived in Kyoto, they didn’t really do this until my neighbor’s house burned to the ground. There are so many wooden, old buildings in Kyoto, that it’s quite a grave concern.

  3. Every neighborhood has a 自治会 (neighborhood association), and residents typically contribute ¥100 to ¥300 monthly as members. While opting out is possible, it may mark one as an outsider.

    Members often participate in neighborhood “patrols” to deter theft and engage with neighbors. The association organizes various community events like summer festivals, mochi-making contests, kimono festivals, meal deliveries for the elderly on Respect for the Elders Day, children’s festivals in May, and other initiatives to foster community spirit.

    Participation varies: most people both pay and join, some only pay, and others fall in between. I’ve joined a few patrols, meeting legislators, CEOs, and friendly neighbors.

    It’s important to note they are not police, and joining is not mandatory, but it’s advisable to research before making any decisions.

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