My list of comprehensible Japanese channels


Here are the ones I’ve been watching and gathered so far, a few of them I haven’t seen videos from but I included them anyway, if you know of any others please share them, beside wanting to help the community I also wanted to shed light on some of these ones since have very few subscribes even though they provide great content please support them if you can!

The classification of levels serves as a rough guide but it is not that accurate, sometimes arbitrary or subjective and it depends on my memory so please check out the channels and judge for yourself, also most of these channels provide content for all levels but I tried to includes them in the level they provide the most content in.

**Complete Beginners:**

\- [Comprehensible Japanese]( \- One of the few ones that provides contents for complete beginners (ones who are starting from zero) beside its contents for more advanced level

\- [いろいろな日本語]( \- Another one with contents for complete beginners as well as beginners, I really like the idea of explaining Anime stories with drawing.

\- [Benjiro – Beginner Japanese]( \- Australian teacher who provide 1-hour conversations with native speakers, format is very good especially if you still haven’t learned to read since he writes the new words in romaji along with their meaning, might be a bit higher level than total beginners

**Beginners and lower intermediate (N5-N4):**

\- [Japanese with Shun]( \- Personal vlogs and podcasts are very easy and perfect for N5 learners but he also have really good intermediate to advanced content, mostly the conversations ones.

\- [Learn Japanese with Tanaka san](

\- [しのせんせい]( \- Japanese folktales and other interesting content

\- [Onomappu]( \- What I like about his channel is that he provides English subtitle for all of his videos along with subtitles for many other languages, so if you are a non-native English speaker you are likely to find your native language among them.

\- [Daily Japanese with Naoko]( \- Can’t recall the level of the videos but I think it is suitable for this level

\- [Sayuri Saying]( \- Her videos are a mix of lower intermediate to higher levels, the podcasts are probably the easiest, the vlogs around intermediate and the conversation a bit advanced (it also depends on the guest)

\- [日本語の森]( \- One of the most popular Japanese channels, I only watched the series where she explains Japanese songs and enjoyed it

\- [Kiku-Nihongo Listening and Learning Japanese](

\- [Nihongo-Learning](

\- [Wakaru Nihongo]( Few videos but have some for all levels

\- [Speak Japanese Naturally](

\- [The Bite size Japanese Podcast]( \- Really good if you are in between intermediate to upper-intermediate level.

\- [Japanese with Ken]( \- Japanese conversations mostly with foreigners who learn Japanese, the levels varies based on the guests.

[Learn Japanese with Noriko]( \- Haven’t watched any videos from her so I’m not too sure about the level

\- [Miruの日本語Podcast]( \- A new channel that I haven’t seen anything from, also randomly included it here since I still haven’t seen any of her videos

\- [あかね的日本語教室]( \- Really popular but I don’t remember watching any of her videos.

**Intermediate to Advanced (N3-N1)**

\- [The Journey of Japanese Words]( \- Short stories and works from Japanese literature read a loud, beautiful channel, the level varies based on the story.

\- [YUYUの日本語Podcast]( \- Really popular and more accessible and comprehensible than most content of his level, I also like how he can break down complex topics and convey then in simple English, he has a nice series from example about Japanese history and I remember listening to one episode where he talked about the economic boom of Japan in a very comprehensible way (at least for my level).

\- [Suzuno’s nihongo podcast\*]( \- Only watched one video and rated the difficulty based on it.

\- [Miku Real Japanese]( \- Also has videos with varying levels but I feel they are mostly around upper-intermediate.

\- [もしもしゆうすけ]( \- I really like his channels but he tends to use words that a bit more advanced and abstract, his street-walking videos are easier than the conversations.

\- [Learn Japanese with Manga]( \- One of my favorite channels, he has videos for beginners but mostly his contents and words lean towards more intermediate to advanced level.

\- [EASY JAPANESE PODCAST Learn Japanese with us!]( \- Might be suitable for lower intermediate but I feel they are a bit more advanced.

\- [Japanese Language Community]( \- Only watched a few minutes so I’m not sure if it belongs here or not.

\-[Akiko\_Japanese\_Conversations]( \- Same as the one above.

That’s about it and hopefully I didn’t misplace any of these (as I mentioned the classification is highly subjective) also I only included the ones that are aimed specifically for learners and are mostly by native Japanese speakers.

Good luck and happy new year!

  1. Its not in complete japanese but game gengo is excellent. I do other stuff while listening to his grammar explanations.

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