Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 08, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. beyond bunpro, where else should i study grammar? i’ve already studied every grammar point on their website, and i’m working on properly *using* it daily with their “cram tool”, but it’s still not exactly the most expansive or perfect resource, for example they don’t have うちから but they have ないうちに

  2. In the process of driving with a friend, I want to say “would you like to go to the store?/would you like me to take you to the store?”

    And so, my initial idea was to use 行く. These are some possible translations that popped into my mind:

    コンビニへ行きましょうか。(Would you like that we go to the store?)

    コンビニへ行きませんか。(Wouldn’t you like to go to the store?)

    コンビニへ行きたいですか。(Would you like to go to the store?)

    コンビニへ行って欲しいですか。(Would you like to go to the store?)

    Now, I have never used ~たがる or ~て欲しがっている in a question or see someone else use it in a question. But I thought, can I use it? Can anyone tell me if this is correct?

    コンビニへ行きたがっていますか。(Would you like to go to the store?)

    コンビニへ行って欲しがっていますか。(Would you like to go to the store?)

    After that, I realized I could also use 連れて行く. I wanted to use the same grammatical structures but noticed that all of them probably meant “do you want to take me to the store?” So, this is the only one I can use to ask the same question, right?

    コンビニへ連れて行きましょうか。(Shall I take you to the store?)

    Then I realized, since I was doing something for someone else, that I should use あげます. So, I added this one:


    Can someone help me checking my grammar? Which sentences are wrong and can’t be used? Which are grammatically correct, but shouldn’t be used? And, what should I use in commonly spoken Japanese?

  3. Why is this narrator using humble language while talking about the marquis’s opinion


    asking specifically about かっており

    I think this means something like, the marquis values that this person’s opinions aren’t swayed by the church (and their politics), and wants him to continue on as a priest (even though, in context, the priest is doubting his abilities). After considering it for a bit, he decides to remain as a priest.

    More context:






  4. Hi! Any recommendations for where to learn Japanese in Japan? (Feels like it should be its own thread but didn’t know if I could post it on its own??)

    I’ll be in Japan for a couple months and I thought that along with going to see all the sites – why not actually try to give my Google translate a break lol (or at least try to enjoy the culture on a deeper level and try to be respectful/less touristy).

    Would be a complete beginner, so hoping for something a bit foreigner friendly yet also will get someone past their ABCS.

    Any in person is preferred (yet a highly recommended online is welcome). And Anywhere is cool (even though I’ll be starting in Tokyo).

    **Also if anyone has any cool sayings that they learned on the way or anything they found unique (local slang/ respect sentiments) – feel free to share that here too!

  5. Suggestions for conversational Japanese

    Hi all,

    I’ve just started learning Japanese as my work takes me over there quite a lot- I don’t really need to know any business related things yet apart from using shops and restaurants etc. I’ve started the basics on Duolingo but getting a bit fed up of learning how to say that someone is a cool student. I know it’s the whole repetition style that gets things stuck in your head but looking forward into the first module, I just can’t see anything that would actually help me get along in day to day life.

    Will sticking to it for a while help become at least a little conversational or would you recommend moving to a different app?

  6. How to read this word, its looks like テ, but the bottom line is straight line? I see it from a hotel address.

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