How long would this take you? Wish me luck guys…

How long would this take you? Wish me luck guys…

  1. My limit for a review is 120 per day, since I still need to study other aspects (reading, listening, etc..). Also, I’d go crazy if I tackle all of that review amount in a short amount of time.

  2. Oh man good luck! Mine reached something like 150 and I was freaking out until I cleared it lol.

    I would probably do like 200 per day, and keep on reviewing until they reach “master level” at least. I’d hate to get burned out or bored, so maybe even less than that.

  3. 😮 Good luck…you’ll get through it eventually, but no point in rushing it! The really old ones will be equivalent to new lessons, I guess (well, the newest ones that you just haven’t seen for ages).

  4. I know I can do 100 in about 30 mins while watching comfort tv, depending on my accuracy

    Considering you’re gonna have some seriously neglected shit in there that you’ll get wrong about 50 times, this is gonna probably take you the best part of 12-15 hours

    Realistically, I’d do more like 250 a day, and half of them would be wrong and come back in guru or lower. Redoing lessons for them etc I would estimate at the very least 2 weeks to get review to 0 again, and then another 3-6 months to revise the lessons for the really forgotten ones

    Took me about a month to properly recover from a stack of 500 but I’m not the quickest learner

  5. I once had over 2k reviews piled up cause I was sick for a long time. I eventually got it down to 300, but since I can’t remember most of them anyway I just restarted from level 1.

  6. I think the worst I got was 1k-ish. I started doing 100 per day and cleared after 10+ days. As always consistency and bite-size chunks do the trick.

    Ah also one more thing I usually do as I hate making a lot of mistakes. I go back and spend 3-4 days and review what I have currently active to refresh my memory. Just looking at a kanji/words and their meaning does wonders to bring them back from my memory bank.

  7. From experience, I’d do two or two point five hundred per day. Otherwise, you’re looking at a similar mountain every day for a week.

  8. WaniKani gave me a good foundation and it certainly was pretty effective since the majority of what I memorized there I still remember… But man did I hate spending time learning their radicals…

    Wouldn’t be an issue if it was the *actual* proper radicals… But Wani shoehorns in a bunch to fit in with their… Kinda forced mnemonic memorization things. Didn’t really help me, but might help others.

    It also seems very paced towards keeping you subscribed longer.

    Regardless, can’t deny it helped me. Best of luck.

  9. I had about 2700 at the beginning of the holidays and had been stuck on level 50 for months. I’m now back down to zero and about 1 day from level 52! Feels great to be out of that pit haha.. This shouldn’t be too bad.. good luck!

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