LearnJapanese going dark starting June 12th 00:00 JST

Communities across reddit are going “dark”, also known as going private, due to concerns about reddit’s proposed change in relationship to third-party apps.

We share the frustrations of many other communities across reddit regarding the new policy changes and we are also suspending normal operations to draw attention to the same issue. To do this — while also fulfilling our educational mission to users — we are doing two things:

Posting this stickied response and going dark June 12th at 00:00 JST indefinitely.

Until we meet again, good luck on your journeys!

  1. Was just looking at this sub this morning to see if something was going to happen, I’m glad an announcement has been made.

  2. I was waiting for this announcement and I’m glad that we’re participating!

  3. what does indefinitely mean? like, how long? thats different from when i sometimes see a sub going dark june 12-14

  4. it will do good for some people on here to take that time and do some actual studying.

    good on you for shutting that shit down when reddit is fucking over its users.

  5. Thank god. I won’t have to see anymore “Is duolingo a good way to learn Japanese!?!” now.

  6. It saddens me to hear this, but it’s the right thing to do.

    You guys have always been a fantastic support for me as I struggle to cram this language into my brain. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.

  7. I’ll miss those beginners posts that spam this sub like “why have I not reached native level Japanese fluency despite having a 1000 day streak on duolingo”

  8. >To do this — while also fulfilling our educational mission to users — we are doing two things: Posting this stickied response and going dark June 12th at 00:00 JST indefinitely.

    You can’t fulfill a mission by ending it for something unrelated to that mission, something that is ultimately tantamount to a “thoughts and prayers” protest lol.

    Obviously it aint changing this is a business decision and Reddit already de facto died when they pushed power mods and subjective censorship, would have been nice if these communities had the same fervour at that point.

  9. The whole point of collective bargaining is to act in unison with your fellows.

    The **VAST** majority of subreddits here are following the 48-hour time frame (I actually haven’t come across one who is doing the “indefinitely” route).

    So, no I don’t support the mod’s current plans to shutdown the subreddit.

  10. Does “going dark” mean disabling new posts? Or are all the old posts going to become unavailable?

  11. Mainly a lurker on this sub. Are there any plans for a backup community on lemmy or some such?

  12. I only started this new account a couple days ago and I’m already regretting coming back here to sate my unhealthy addiction of enlightening/correcting people on the internet, so…thanks?

    Seriously, it’s been real. To all the serious learners out there who have asked thought-provoking questions over the years — you know who you are — thanks.

    You can take comfort in knowing that if you’re the sort of person who approaches the language learning process critically and is aware of what you do and don’t know, you’ll probably succeed (and may even progress faster) without spending as much (or any) time in a “learning community”.

    Best of luck to all.

  13. You should be posting an alternate, non-Reddit place to gather at the same time.

  14. “Dark” is ambiguous. Are you setting the sub to private, stopping new posts, or both?

    My concern is the removal of search results from Google which would be a big problem. Not a problem for a pulp entertainment sub like /r/videos but definitely one when it comes to a learning resource.

  15. Is the sub going private or locked? If it goes private, a huge amount of useful resources will be gone.

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