japanlife after reddit restricts api

What other communities exist like japanlife outside of reddit? Preferably with similar annonynous access.

I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m also sure I’m not alone in being a user who refuses to use the official reddit app. Once they kill off the alternatives, reddit will be dead to me and unfortunately that means I’ll no longer have access to this great community.

Anyone else thinking about this?

  1. It’s Facebook but Tokyo Expat Network is well-run and can be quite helpful. I believe there is an option where you can submit a question anonymously and the mods will post it.

  2. Legislation hasn’t caught up to how everyday use social media is.

    I’d prefer that most social media sites discouraged anonymity to cut back on the stupid shit people say and do and have a clearer road to accountability.

    There is nothing unique about this change to Japanlife vs general social media or Reddit itself.

    – oh no, the don’t tread on me 4chan weirdos are big mad.

  3. old.reddit.com still works for the time being. why the fuck does everything have to be an app.

  4. I saw in a different thread about this issue that there is going to be a “black out day” where lots of mods from other subs are not going to do any moderation to show Reddit how valuable of a resource they are, and show their disagreement with the API pricing. I’m not sure, but I think it was July 1st?

    I’m curious if the Japanlife mods will be participating in this.

  5. I won’t use the app, so if that becomes the only option, bye bye japanlife for me too.

  6. Yeah, this is my only social media (well, and LinkedIn, I guess, if you can count that). As long as old.reddit.com sticks around, I’ll actively participate; I don’t use any of the apps. If old.reddit.com goes, I hope we can coalesce somewhere.

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