Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 12, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. was wondering about this use of ておく (とく)

    > 姫を一人で部屋に置いとくことはできないだろう?

    Context: 2 men rescued the princess from a dragon. They want to stay at an inn. They tried to get a room for 3, but the in only had 2 rooms for 2 people each. They can’t leave the princess alone (enemies might come), but it’s quite embarrassment for one of them to have to be alone in the room with her as well.

    I thought ておく was more like doing something in preparation so IDK how it fits here. Any idea?

    Otherwise I think it says, “We can’t leave the princess alone in the room can we”

    EDIT: The next line has thrown me off as well. The innkeeper shows them to their room and says:


    I assume ごゆっくり is “take your time” but what is a ほんじゃ?

  2. I need help with this sentence: 太るのが増で作らなくなりました.

    Specifically, I’m unsure about 増. It might be a similar looking character instead, if even, as I got it from some low-quality scans. By context I’m pretty sure the sentence is something along the lines of “I stopped making them because I was getting fat/not to get fat”.

  3. What is the general effect of adding dasu to a verb?

    For example, I saw the word 借り出す karidasu

    It doesn’t seem to differ very much from kariru 借りる, even the dictionary say they are the same. So when do you use verbs with dasu attached?

  4. Hi, Y’all. I’ve just finished learning RTK using Kanji Koohi and I’m moving towards the Genki textbook. I’ve got a question: which resources would you suggest for learning words made of many kanji?

    In RTK, the main process is having a word and a story, and Kanji Koohi deals with that pretty well: it is simple to change the word when we don’t like it and to write up the story on the website. However, the website doesn’t support words made of more than one kanji, since that’s not the goal of RTK. What resources would you suggest for words like that, such as 「週末」 or 「日曜日」? I’ve seen many people recommend Anki, but I think it is not as convenient as Koohi is, since you have to make all flashcards from scratch, and that usually takes some time. Any new suggestions of methods online or not of how you’ve learned them would help! Thanks!

  5. grammar guide please

    is there a rule about using い to change verbs to nouns? 違う + い = 違い? 例えば、「音楽性の違いが!」 or みみさん、夏休みがどうですか?

    how do I comprehend verbs that have い behind them, during reading? do I treat them all as nouns?

  6. is straight up reading articles in todaii then just searching for unfamiliar words recommended for a beginner student?

    any other reading materials can i use aside from visual novels jwjebdb

  7. 日本人は庭の愛好民族といわれるが、過去ともあれ現代住宅では例外もある。

    What does 過去ともあれ mean here, specifically the ともあれ? Tried googling and Google Translate says “regardless of the past”, but I can’t seem to make it fit in this sentence.

  8. Why 韓国 is pronounced as “kan**koku**” while 中国 is pronounced as “chuu**goku**”? According to [jisho.org](http://jisho.org), the onyomi reading of 国 is “koku”. I understand why 韓国 is pronounced as “kan**koku**” because that is the reading. However, I don’t understand why 国 becomes “goku” in 中国.

  9. Just learnt in genki that は is used in negative sentences because it is more natural than not having in that sentence. Just curious why this is the case.

  10. A. 安全 ( )の高い食品を選ぶ。

    1.正 2.制 3.製 4.性


    B. 僕の彼女が浮気をする ( )。

    1.べきでない 2.ほかはない 3.わけである 4.わけがない


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