Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 03, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. ロード中 is pronounced ロードちゅう.

    Why the ちゅう pronunciation and not なか? Is this just a “now that I know don’t question it” thing? Or is there something I’m missing?

  2. https://ibb.co/hy7tdbV


    This means nobody can resist her explosion magic? Or it means her explosion magic cannot fight anyone (i.e. her magic is useless)?

  3. I recently started with grammar with Cure Dolly’s Organic Japanese YouTube Playlist, my question is which is better?
    Watch the full playlist and then watch the additional videos (Dont use polite japanese, da/desu sentence structure, japanese adjectives i and na, godan vs ichidan), *these videos appear from time to time in the upper right corner*.

    Or should I watch the additional videos recommended in each video before moving on to the next lesson in the playlist?

  4. What do japanese call molten ice cream?


    Sorry, I thought of this earlier and found it funny.

  5. I just learned わたくし in Genki 2 and it said it’s a formal way or saying わたし. Is it commonly used to people “above” you or is it super formal/rarely used? I haven’t heard it in any media so far

  6. Found this sentence in my studies of Haikyuu:俺たち急に引っ張られて来てルールもよくわかんないんだから
    And I don’t understand the meaning of 張られて in the sentence. I understand the overall meaning of the sentence, but when I went to look at all the vocabulary I didn’t understand, that one part has so many meanings I’m not sure what one actually applies to this sentence.

  7. Hello so i have a question about something so i was thinking of buying both apps of human japanese and skip to genki 2 when im done or should i get genki 1 and 2 instead?

  8. I understand that you shouldn’t be saying あなた, but how do you say “Is this yours?” if somebody dropped or lost something?

  9. I need to start writing more by hand, but I forgot the formatting rules for formal/essay writing, like indenting and quotation brackets, etc.

    Where can I find a good refresher for that?

  10. From Japan’s constitution:

    > 日本国民は、正当に選挙された国会における代表者を通じて行動し、われらとわれらの子孫のために、諸国民との協和による成果と、わが国全土にわたつて自由のもたらす恵沢を確保し、政府の行為によつて再び戦争の惨禍が起ることのないやうにすることを決意し、ここに主権が国民に存することを宣言し、この憲法を確定する。そもそも国政は、国民の厳粛な信託によるものであつて、その権威は国民に由来し、その権力は国民の代表者がこれを行使し、その福利は国民がこれを享受する。これは人類普遍の原理であり、この憲法は、かかる原理に基くものである。われらは、これに反する一切の憲法、法令及び詔勅を排除する。

    1. What does ここに mean in ここに主権が国民に存することを宣言し

    2. What does かかる mean in この憲法はかかる原理に基くものである? What’s kanji for かかる?

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