Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 07, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. > A: 貴方の報酬はおいくら万円?

    > B: 百万ちょい

    百万ちょい means little over 1000000 yen? I am not sure about meaning of ちょっと here.

  2. Hi, I wanna use the online Genki resource on github (https://sethclydesdale.github.io/genki-study-resources/lessons-3rd/) and I’m curious about what people who used it thought about it.

    I bought the book, but I’m unable to concentrate on it and just give up on it (thanks, mix of adhd and depression). I prefer something like the online resource where I get to drag and drop things and learn that way, but I’m a bit intimated that compared to the book, it completely wipes out romaji in the beginning and just starts with everything in hiragana/katakana. I’m a complete beginner starting from zero, and I’m just curious about if other people who used the online resource and if it helped them

  3. Does anyone know how to type half-width spaces on the Android keyboard? (Romaji input)

    For example, if instead of

    あ い う え お

    I wanted to type

    あ い う え お

    (I had to paste that from a Google search since I have no idea how to type half width spaces and Google search did not provide an answer)

  4. Can anybody recommend some books for a very new japanese reader? Kids books would be fine even to get started, I just need to practice and so far my only help is a basic textbook and duolingo. ありがとうございます。

  5. I’m having an issue with Anki and Yomitan.

    I use the card format that came with a Wanikani-themed Anki deck for learning vocabulary. Its unique in that it asks me to type in the reading for the word to confirm that I know it.
    Recently I’ve tried to set up Yomitan to be able to automatically add cards to anki for learning and to begin mining. But I’ve run into a problem, Yomitan seems great so far and I believe I’ve set up everything almost perfectly, but in linking it with Anki I have hit a hurdle.

    The card format I use requires a unique id-field to be filled, which effectively is just a numbering 1-8,000 with each card having a unique value. Anki has its own way of counting the cards and this is separate, its an actual field within the card the same way that ‘vocab word’ or ‘the reading’ is a field. The reason this is important is because its what enables the ‘typing’ mechanic with the cards, otherwise it will only show the word and wait until you hit show answer to flip over.
    The problem I have is that I don’t have a way of automatically filling this id-field, and more specifically automatically filling it with a continuously incrementing value. This means for each word I mine through Yomitan, I will be forced to go through and manually edit every card and track the number myself. (which isn’t a huge deal, but to avoid burnout I want the lowest possible number of hurdles for mining words).

    So to clarify the question, is there any way to setup Anki or Yomitan to automatically track and fill this field with progressively incrementing number id’s amongst all the cards in a deck? [I wish I could provide photos but I can’t in a comment]
    All it requires is just a unique id number in each card’s field, nothing more. (I’ll respond to any questions in the replies)

  6. > しっかし魔王の幹部ってヤツも何でこんな辺鄙な所に来たのやら
    > この街に魔王軍を脅威に思うヤツなんていないと思うけど

    What does 魔王軍を脅威に思う mean? “to fear 魔王軍” doesn’t sound right.

  7. Does anybody have any good ecchi/romance/comedy anime to recommend for immersion? I just watched Hensuki and it was great but I’m not sure what other anime in the same vein would be good to immerse with.

  8. Why is [日玉] the 略字 ryakuji of 曜?曜 doesn’t sound like 玉 right?

  9. Post got removed from lack of karma so asking here :

    Is learning individual kanjis necessary for travel? How should I go about this??

    I have seen a lot of ressources separating kanji and vocabulary, since some words are made up of many kanjis. I am going on a trip to Japan in about a year, and need to know enough to go around, since I wont stay in Tokyo. Should I just learn the look and pronunciation of words without thinking about what it’s made of or should I learn the individual kanjis and then vocab? I’m honestly a bit confused.

    I won’t need to know how to write or anything, just a bit of reading/speaking, especially since it’s a pretty short timeframe.[ This document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19FEIOJWbLhJQ-AmepxFBMC2ebhJJr9RBUMfMeatYuq8/edit) seemed interesting but once again I’m unsure. And should I focus on the most common vocab and skip the radicals and all that? Or follow the classroom order? Please help!

  10. I wasn’t sure if I should post this here or r/anime but the question is a language one, so I’m thinking here is better. In the anime Witchblade, there’s a young, shy woman named Naoumi that is referred to by her friends as Naoumi-bou. I had never heard that honorific before and looked it up to discover it kind of, sort of functions like -chan but for boys.

    From there I thought, oh – is this a androgynous situation? Did I assume she was a young woman but she’s actually a young man who just dresses feminine and has long hair? But no, as far as I can tell, the character is definitely a young woman.

    So is this likely some kind of friendly teasing? Maybe its actually quite rude and mean in Japanese and not friendly at all? Does -bou have some other very rare meaning associated with it I just couldn’t find online? Is Naoumi traditionally a male name, as opposed to Naomi? In the early episodes she made several comments correcting people pronouncing her name as Naomi instead of Naoumi, so maybe that’s it?

    It’s literally the only place I’ve ever come across the honorific (so far) so maybe its super obscure and not super important, but not understanding it has just been really bugging me. Perhaps I need to pay closer attention to exactly who calls her -bou and who doesn’t, but I’d appreciate any insights people might have into this honorific and context. Thanks!

  11. https://ibb.co/hCg4j7M

    > 爆発系魔法威力上昇、高速詠唱などその他諸々、爆裂魔法にすべてを捧げたスキル構成です

    For bit of context, that girl specializes in explosion magic only, nothing else.

    I am confused with the structure of this sentence.

    A,Bなどその他諸々 means “everything other than A and B” right?

    I am not sure what 爆裂魔法にすべてを捧げたスキル構成 means. A skill construction where you put everything in 爆裂魔法? I have doubts with the meaning of 捧げた and スキル構成.

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