Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 12, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. 1: For the sentence 分かるように試し I learned that ようにする means to try to or make an effort towards doing something. So to me, 分かるようにする means the same as the above sentence. However, translation apps translate 分かるようにする as “Make sure you understand,” and 分かるように試し as “Try to understand.” So did I misunderstand the meaning of ようにする? What’s the difference between the two: 分かるようにする and 分かるように試し?

    2: Xを先に行い、それが終わったらYを行う。

    Why is 行う a noun/stem in the first clause (行い) and a verb in the second clause?

  2. Reposting from previous thread:

    Hello! A beginner japanese learner fellow here, my goal has always been able to be able to have conversations with japanese natives and being able to read japanese text.

    My journey started as everyone else, I learnt the kana but due to being busy with university I had to stop for a few months, I am back to learning again but I feel like I’ve hit a wall because theres so much that I can do, I have a lot of resources that I dont know how to properly take the advantage of, I literally can’t comprehend what a japanese person is saying when I watch a youtube video even on the lower levels. I have started using anki for vocab and I have a genki 1 book that I have not used yet until I learn some kanjis.

    I thought having some sessions with natives or N2/N1 speakers would help me as I can clear my doubts, I’ve looked for people in discord but due to timezone differences it can be hard to manage things a bit.

  3. Are there any websites that offer over 3000 kanji? Sorry if this was already asked before.

  4. When and how I should use でも and adversative が to say “but” in a phrase? Are they technically interchangable? And which situations are more common to use one or another?

  5. I know that most verbs that end in eru or iru are る verbs and that some are exceptions, but what about the other way around? Are verbs that end in る but NOT eru or iru ever still る verbs?

  6. Hi! Still very new to Japanese so bare with me.. I just learned the new kanji 気 to mean spirit, mind, heart and a lot of times when I post my animals on social media I will say “my heart”, would the equivalent be 私の気 or would something else be better for that? ありがとう!

  7. I have been using [Tofugu Hiragana Chart](https://files.tofugu.com/articles/japanese/2016-04-05-hiragana-chart/hiragana-chart-by-tofugu.jpg) and [Tofugu Katakana Chart](https://files.tofugu.com/articles/japanese/2017-07-13-katakana-chart/katakana-chart-by-tofugu.jpg) to learn Kana and I have some confusion.
    – Why is wo (を) pronounced as o and not wo?
    – Why are there ji (ぢ/ヂ) and zu (づ/ヅ) the same sound as ji (じ/ジ) and zu (ず/ズ) respectively thus resulting in no di and du sounds?

  8. [おもいきゃ](https://jlptsensei.com/learn-japanese-grammar/%E3%81%8B%E3%81%A8%E6%80%9D%E3%81%84%E3%81%8D%E3%82%84-%E3%81%8B%E3%81%A8%E3%81%8A%E3%82%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%8D%E3%82%84-to-omoikiya-meaning/#google_vignette)

    i encountered a new grammar rule out of nowhere, but i liked the way it sounds and looked in context.

    is this a common thing to say in native japanese conversations? is it the same as 思ったより? how do you use it? when was the last you remembered using it? is it likely to confuse native japanese if I use it wrongly?

  9. This is a serihu from a manga.


    why is it 来る and not 行く? A person with nowhere to come than go sounds off.

  10. I have 2 questions
    1. Is music a good form of listening practice?? I have concerns that I won’t learn from it bc singing is different from talking.
    2. How do I study with listen practice?? Do I js listen to things or should I write down what I understand or something else?

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