Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 16, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. Is often hear a rise in tone at the end of ありがとうございます? I hear it both ways with the classic pitch accent, falling at the end, but I also hear native speakers with a small and nasally rise on the ます. Can anyone give me more expertise on this phenomenon. Am I crazy or is that a real thing??

  2. Does anyone have any gaming etiquette guides?

    I started playing a game on some Japanese servers, joined a guild, and it’s honestly heartwarming how kind and friendly the people are compared to the toxicity I’m used to witnessing. I’m hoping to do the best I can to return the favor.

    Also, I really try to refrain from cultural stereotypes, but I have to ask if Japanese gamers aren’t just kind of… nicer, or did I just get lucky to find this guild?

  3. Got questions about these quartet 1 chapter 3 sentences.

    1. 大阪は日本を代表する観光地の一つとして有名だ。

    Dont understand this, first time seeing 代表する and 観光地, and also still kinda new to X の一つ.

    “Osaka is famous as one of(?) japans representing(?) tourist attraction(?)”?

    2. 日本に住んでいる外国人にとって難しいのは、どんなことだと思いますか

    Whys there a の after 難しい?

  4. Immersion question, when watching anime with japanese subs without creating sentence mined cards. How much productivity am i losing by not doing this. I hear the words and recognize them but probably will not recall the kanji by just seeing it once

  5. After you memorize the higrana chart how are you suppose to understand the english meaning of the higrana?

  6. I am curious if when replacing the name from this sentence with “you” (あなた) to make it more generalized, if it still remains gramatically correct? Or should it now be rephrased at this point? I am also pretty unfamiliar with kanji still so I’m not sure if there would be kanji to use for あなた here instead of the hiragana.

    Original sentence:
    了 ちゃん も 泣 い てる

    What I am curious about it being switched to:
    あなた も 泣 い てる

  7. Is anyone having problems with Kana input on Typing Tube?

    It doesn’t register anything that requires a shift key to type (e.g. ぁぃぅぇぉゃゅょをー) and ゛゜

    I’m using a normal Qwerty keyboard, not a JIS layout one. Is there any way to get around this?

  8. what is best place to learn? i am trying duolingo but the first set of lesson is just spamming sushi, tea, water, and rice over and over with no context to the characters, or the little accent thingies that change the few characters i know like su to zu to get mizu.

    im also trying the from zero website, and today, got a few books about characters from tuttle publishing, but wasnt sure where to start.

    just some preface: i have autism and adhd, so the best kind of lessons would be ones with lots of pictures, i have a hard time concentrating with videos or long recordings. my vocabulary is also very small, and i dont know any of the scripts.

  9. From Kokoro chapter 15:

    > 奥さんの様子は満足とも不満足とも極めようがなかった。私はそれほど近く奥さんに接触する機会がなかったから。それから奥さんは私に会うたびに尋常であったから。最後に先生のいる席でなければ私と奥さんとは滅多に顔を合せなかったから。

    I am not sure about 最後に先生のいる席. What does 最後に mean? What does 席 mean? I think it corresponds to 3 in [席](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E5%B8%AD/).

  10. How can you turn the following sentence into negative? I mean the na-adj remains as a modifier. Example,

    Shizuka na machi desu.

    Shizuka (na??? negative form?) machi desu. Like, is Shizuka ja nai machi desu correct anyway?

    I’m really not looking for: Shizuka na machi desu therefore Machi wa shizuka janai desu.

    Kindly, kindly please and thank you

  11. Does anyone else feel like their listening comprehension improves after a few days of not really studying? Like perhaps sleep+time even when you’re not putting in the hours.

  12. What context is 痺れる most used in? imiwa says “for a limb to become numb” or “to become excited” but I have no idea why a word would have two meanings that are so drastically different from each other

  13. What should I do after Genki 1 & 2 and Quartet 1 & 2? It’s 3300 words and 1000 kanji, and supposedly puts someone at the N2 proficiency level.

  14. Hello, in a vocabulary exercise I came across a sentence どんな _______ がすきですか?I chose the option おかし (What kind of sweets do you like?), but the solution was option おとこ, which I guess also makes sense. Why was my solution incorrect? Is there a nuance I’m missing? Did they make a mistake? Thank you for your help

  15. 刈除

    does the word 刈除 have a similar meaning to the a phone line/doorbell ringing being cut off? がいじょ or something like that

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