Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 20, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. I was reading [this NHK Easy News article](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/k10014551801000/k10014551801000.html) from yesterday and it had the following sentence.


    I was under the impression that since humans are animate, we usually use いません rather than ありません. Is there a reason why ありません is used in this instance to describe the relative absence of humans?

  2. Bishoujo game development company members discussing the future of their company: https://ibb.co/Bs5dNg0

    > それでもまだマトモな方だろ

    It means they are more serious and better than other companies?

    > 画像ローダと変わんねえようなのも-杯あるし

    It means there are lots of games that are no different from program that loads images only?

  3. I’m going through genki and doing some anki decks alongside rtk. About how far through genki before trying some reading?

    I’ve noticed some youtube videos where they translate games as they play. Are those worth watching, or should I just do it myself?

  4. > ベスリーは俺の真似をしてカイロを振り続ける。

    Grammar-wise, can someone help me understand how を is used twice here?

  5. When to use にしても vs Vても

    For example, 食べるにしても vs 食べても

    Why use one over the other?

  6. trying to confirm if you heard correctly

    how suitable would using 「復唱します。_____ 」be? the goal is to confirm things like, the question being asked, the information being provided (days/facts/opinion) the topic of the conversation

    e.g. ちゃんと確認したいので、復唱します。
    e.g. すみません。_____ ということですか?
    e.g. も一度おねがいします。

    i’ve used examples 2 and 3 quite often. i get quite varied results depending on my timing of use, or missing super simple information that makes my conversation partner confused. using 1 feels like i would make them less angry + it’s improving my speaking skills, i think?

    my conversation partners here are teachers and workplace – so polite environment. advice please. or, if there’s anything else you prefer to say, please feel free to do so.

  7. When studying with core 6k deck, you see 上がる what do you do? It has 25 meaning, do I start counting each of them?

  8. Should I learn readings ALONGSIDE RTK?

    OK, so I’m about 90 words into RTK, and the way I’ve been doing it is basically 10 words a day, strictly memorizing what each character represents, rather than how to read them or how to say them as words. It’s been a lot easier to memorize things now that I don’t have to worry about the readings, but I still feel like I’m gonna have to go back and do this all again later just specifically for the readings.

    So I guess what I’m asking is how did you go about this? Did you study the meanings of the kanjifirst and then how to say the words? or did you learn to pronounce them at the same time? What do I do about words that have multiple Kanji in them?? it seems that with every single congee, you have to learn a ton of different readings, how they’re used in words, on top of that, how do use pitch accent. How did you guys do it? There’s just so much!

  9. What does 「杓子」 mean in 「読まれてる変え方が杓子定規だ」

    JPN: 読まれてる変え方が杓子定規だ

    ENG: Peco’s being predicted. His changes are too by the book!

    杓子 = bamboo ladle

    Context: A match of ping pong (Ping Pong the Animation Anime)

  10. Beginner Learning Katakana, would プンコルオジスト be correct for my username? (punkologist)?

    I am a bit unsure how to tackle the ST at the end? I haven’t really found anything by googling.

    I’m pretty sure ダニエル is correct for my first name (Daniel) ?

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