Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 26, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. I just came upon the below in the depths of some Anki deck, but no matter where I search I can’t seem to find any indication whether or not this word, or some version of it, actually exists.

    >Someone who receives and accepts compliments etc rather than denying or rejecting them

    So, anyone got any info, or heard or seen someone ever actually use this?

  2. Is my understanding about “〜ていた” vs. “〜てきた” for having done something for a considerable while correct?

    At least the way I see it “〜ていた” is more so used for actually doing something continuously for a while such as “待っていた。” for “I’ve been waiting for you.” and “〜てきた” more so for doing something habitually for a while, as in “五年間日本語を勉強してきた。” for “I’ve been studying Japanese for 5 years” but I’m not sure how accurate that is. Can both also be be exchanged for the other? Because I would sooner say “二時間勉強していた。” to mean “I’ve been studying for two hours.” implying it was one continuous session.

  3. Hey guys I stumbled upon the verb 動くduring my Anki cards practice. And when looking at the components of the verb in the “Japanese” app, the 動 component is stated to mean movement and motion, of which the example provided is as follows:
    私たちはスペリオル湖まで景色のよい自動車動をドライブした。 Which means (We went for a scenic drive as far as Lake Superior).
    What I am interested in is what purpose does the 動 kanji have in this sentence? Is it a noun, or a part of the word: 自動車動 ?
    My final question is then, is 動 often used on its own? Or is it does it derive its meaning with other Kanji?

  4. I need help understanding the logic flow in this dialogue from Kokoro chapters 16 and 17 between the narrator and Sensei’s wife. It is about Sensei’s wife explaining how she is not liked by Sensei:

    > 奥さん: 「いいえ私も嫌われている一人なんです」
    > 私: 「そりゃ嘘です。奥さん自身嘘と知りながらそうおっしゃるんでしょう」
    > 奥さん: 「なぜ」
    > 私: 「私にいわせると、奥さんが好きになったから世間が嫌いになるんですもの」
    > 奥さん: 「あなたは学問をする方だけあって、なかなかお上手ね。空っぽな理屈を使いこなす事が。世の中が嫌いになったから、私までも嫌いになったんだともいわれるじゃありませんか。それと同なじ理屈で」
    > …
    > 私:「やっぱり先生から嫌われているとおっしゃるんですか」
    > 奥さん:「私は嫌われてるとは思いません。嫌われる訳がないんですもの。しかし先生は世間が嫌いなんでしょう。世間というより近頃では人間が嫌いになっているんでしょう。だからその人間の一人として、私も好かれるはずがないじゃありませんか」

    I don’t get what she meant by「私は嫌われてるとは思いません。嫌われる訳がないんですもの。」. It contradicts her previous line「いいえ私も嫌われている一人なんです」.

  5. 別るる後にも

    やよ 忘るな

    Just came across this lyrics and I don’t understand why there are two る in 別るる. Could someone explain?

  6. Read manga and saw 彼女 but the furigana was これ in the sentence 彼女がそのひとり… Why is the furigana different from the actual kana of 彼女?

  7. Does anyone have any tips or resources on learning different 接続詞 and all the subtleties between them? Is this one of those things that gradually come with time and lots of reading/exposure? Thanks.

  8. Ans 2 4123 Mine: 2 3124

    can someone explain this question please. what is the grammar rule here trying to do?

    子供には、親の __ __ ★ __ 習わせたほうがいいと思う。

    1.習わせるのではなくて 2.子供の 3.興味があるものを 4.習わせたいものを

  9. What does ないか mean in questions like なんか見覚えはありませんか and どこか痛いところはないか? Also, how do you reply to these questions? いいえないです or はいあります right?

  10. I have a question, i started using Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig, and realized it doesnt teach how i should read it in my head, just the meaning of the kanji, should I look up how its read and pronounced or i should just learn the meaning? thanks.

  11. I was looking into 図る

    and according to this:


    It also mean “to try to / attempt”

    I was trying to find this meaning in its definitions, but I’m not sure which one is it.

    is it this one?

    **4** (図る)

    1. ㋐くふうして[努力](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E5%8A%AA%E5%8A%9B/)する。「[再起](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E5%86%8D%E8%B5%B7/)を—・る」「利益を—・る」

    I’m mainly confused about the fact the verb also mean “to plan, to scheme” and I couldn’t find a meaning similar to “to try, to attempt”

  12. 話しておくべきだった。でも、普通の夏が過ごしたかった。


    What is the difference between 夏が過ごす and 夏を過ごす?

  13. 俺は 他人を信じるような タチじゃねえがケツを振っている勝ち馬を 逃すほどバカじゃない

    is this ケツを振っている勝ち馬 an expression? I can’t find it.

  14. Is “T大” an abbreviation for Tokyo University that’s actually used in the real world, or a legally-distinct fictional thing (similar to WcDonald’s)? I know 東大 is the common abbreviation.

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