Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 16, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. I’ve been learning Japanese for a couple weeks and I think I finally fully memorized kana. My vocabulary is pretty much non existent
    What’s my next step?

  2. What’s the tonal difference between 素直 and 正直? Can 素直 have a more patronizing connotation (obedient) whereas 正直 is more like “straight up”?

  3. Does this make any sense?

    hiiii 😀 one of the practice questions in my JFZ 4 book asked to write my daily routine in a couple of sentences and I wanted to know if it sounded ok? I would love any feedback because so far I have just been doing self study! Here’s what I wrote,


  4. I asked my teacher in my last italki session about the various expressions using 〇〇がつく and I realized a bit later that their answer was a bit fizzy. Particularly, I gave these examples:





    5 ある定まった状態がつくられる。




    Some of the above expressions are in the dictionary (both J-E and monolinguistic), some are not, but I feel their meaning is vaguely clear. My question was whether or not these should be thought of as set phrases or a useful pattern? So, for example, could I say the following expressions that I *haven’t* read elsewhere?


    The answer they gave ended up being “yes” on both parts. They are set expressions that feel like singular words, while also the above examples also work and feel like creating new expressions. But can both be true? If the above have sensible meanings, then つく on its own has an intelligible that can apply in many situations, probably, but perhaps it’s just so very abstract that it still feels somewhat vague?

    I’m not sure what my takeaway might be, but I thought I’d see if anyone here had any thoughts.

  5. > 毎年仲間内だけで寄り集まって、自己陶酔の小難しい曲(こむずかしいの)ばっか演奏しやがって(やりやがって)、俺らを違う意味で夢の世界に誘ってくる奴らだぞ?

    In this sentence, what meaning the ruby こむずかしいの give? This snippet comes from a conversation between 2 students who have an unfavorable opinion about the music students at their school.

  6. should i take japanese classes to start off the basics of stuff like grammar, vocab, some kanji, etc?

  7. hi. tried making words using せっかく 思いきや. are these okay?
    自分で書いた文を確認してもいいですか?  使いたい言葉は「せっかく、思いきや」です。


  8. What are some places to develop conversational skills online? Unsure of where to go and I don’t really trust those paid sites

  9. Confused with these sentences from Quartet 1 chapter 3 飲み会の予約を変更する dialogue. A called an Izakaya & is talking through the phone with someone who works there, because he wants to make some changes

    A: 飲み会の予約内容を変更するため、居酒屋に電話をする。

    Why is it 電話をする and not ている? He’s currently talking with the employee, to me 電話をする sounds like “I will call” or “I call”. If the sentence had been 電話している I’d understand it as “I’m calling to…”

    A: あの、それから、席を個室に変えていただくことは可能でしょうか。

    B: 少々お待ちください。・・・お待たせいたしました。テーブルの個室は満席のため、お座敷のご案内となりますが、よろしいでしょうか。

    Dont understand what B is saying. What does テーブルの個室 mean here, to me sounds like “The private room table”. Also dont understand ご案内” and “となります”. According to Yomitan ご案内 can mean “knowledge”, so I understand this like :

    “Please wait a few seconds…..Thank you for waiting. The private rooms table(テーブルの個室?) is full, so Knowledge of a room floored with tatami mats became(お座敷のご案内となりますが?), is that fine”?

  10. I want to get to the point of reading children’s books as soon as possible, I’m working on hiragana and Katakana. Is there a vocab list or anki deck that’s focused on just kids books? I cannot find it if it exists


  11. I often hear that sentence mining is one way- in fact, a recommended way- to improve… but I find it to be a terrible method.

    Note that I’m specifically using it for grammar… instead of actually learning the grammar pattern, I just end up memorizing the word order… but not the actual grammar point itself.

  12. Do you know how to write your name in Japanese?
    How about how Japanese names work in general?

    In this video I explain how to write your name in katakana, as well as some basic knowledge of Japanese names!

    If you find it useful, try writing your name in the video comments! I’ll correct you if it’s wrong!!

    How to write your name in Japanese:

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