Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 05, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. Hi, could someone please help me understand this sentence in a manga i am reading.


    the context is the boyfriend is about to do 耳かき for the girlfriend. i am not sure which one of them is saying this sentence.

    The parts i am struggling the most to understand is ”奉仕の精神” and ”いい心がけじゃない” (I am not familiar with this phrase at all).

    could someone be so kinda to translate this sentence to English for me at least because the translators i used did not translate it well.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. Got questions about some of the workbook excercises from quartet 1 chapter 2


    How do i read this? “The printed copies(プリント) are 3 in all(全部で)?



    B: 夜はやっていなくて、3時までしか開いていないみたいです。

    Dont understand what the やっていなくて part means. Also ,could i say 3時までに or does it have to be まで only?

    3.本文の内容と合うものに〇、合わないものにⅩをつけなさい。(These are instructions to an exercise).

    Is it saying “Put a 〇 in this sentences(本文) contents(内容) with matching things(と合うもの)?”

  3. What can I do to increase my studying?

    I’ve been using Anki daily for over a year, I have 1098 words that are mature.

    I also use Supernative to improve my listening practice and am at the 1990~.

    I have tried Rocket Japanese, Cure Dolly’s videos on grammar, Duolingo (mainly to test where I’m at), and Tadoku books.

    Ideally I’d like to be JLPT 4 ready before the test at the end of the year.

  4. # You can use AI to generate audio for sentence cards, to read you a book, etc in your favorite voice actor’s voice

    I tried to make a thread but it wouldn’t let me so I’ll post it here


  5. Why is 寝る an ichidan verb? If we take a verb like 走る, it sounds like an (iru/eru aka) ichidan verb but because the i-sound is part of the kanji, it’s a godan verb. So why is it not the same for 寝る? Are there more exceptions like this?

  6. For context, there were lots of zombies swarming around a graveyard. They were starving and wanted to return to heaven. A witch routinely came to the graveyard to send some of these zombies back to heaven. She commented

    > 私としてはここで彷役う魂が天に還ってくれれば来る理由も無いのてすが

    Who is the subject for 来る? Witch herself or the zombies? Help me to decide.

  7. > リッチーは魔法を極めた大魔法使いが人の身体を捨て成リ果てたアンデッドの王
    > 絶大な魔力と魔法防御を持ち通常の武器では傷一つつけられません

    Is つけられません potential or passive?

  8. I am participating in a manga competitiion and I want to draw a schoolkid sharing lunch with a stray dog. Do school children in Japan bring their lunches?

  9. small beginner question about とっくに:

    it seems like the main definition is “already” or “long ago,” in the sense of “the shop already closed” or “i gave up a long time ago” etc. but the example sentences (on jisho, at least) are using “it’s high time”/“it’s about time” a lot. i see a pattern though: it’s translated the first way (“already”) with past tense verbs and the 2nd way with present tense. so is it essentially:

    とっくに + V-past = “X happened already/a while ago”
    とっくに + V-present = “it’s about time X happens!” or maybe “finally, X is happening!”

    it seems simple but i want to be sure before i write it down www

  10. is there a chrome add-on that automatically allocates furigana to kanji words?

  11. I came across 仕事を終わらせてください, but why is it 終わらせて instead of 終えてください? Are they both common or is 終わらせる preferred more?

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