Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 19, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. The below is an excerpt for an article about パソコン通信:

    > **従量制繋ぐ楽しさ**
    > 14400・・・フォーラム・・・SYSOP・・・なっつかしいだすな~。
    > ニフティサーブ、PC-VANなど、パソコン通信はインターネットが無かった90年代前半(インターネットが普及してもしばらくは)、重要な交流場所で、考察にイラスト・音楽のアップロードが活発に行われておりました。この頃はテレホーダイもなく、通信費は高額。パソコン通信でつながってること自体が、ある種の選ばれし者感がありました。
    > …

    How the title 従量制繋ぐ楽しさ is understood here? Pleasure that allows us to connect with each other, which uses usage-based billing system?

  2. The below is an excerpt for an article about パソコン通信:

    > **従量制繋ぐ楽しさ**
    > 14400・・・フォーラム・・・SYSOP・・・なっつかしいだすな~。
    > ニフティサーブ、PC-VANなど、パソコン通信はインターネットが無かった90年代前半(インターネットが普及してもしばらくは)、重要な交流場所で、考察にイラスト・音楽のアップロードが活発に行われておりました。この頃はテレホーダイもなく、通信費は高額。パソコン通信でつながってること自体が、ある種の選ばれし者感がありました。
    > …

    なっつかしいだす looks like 懐かしい出す to me. I wonder what does it mean. I’ve never seen 出す appended to い-adjectives before.

  3. The below is an excerpt for an article about パソコン通信:

    > **従量制繋ぐ楽しさ**
    > 14400・・・フォーラム・・・SYSOP・・・なっつかしいだすな~。
    > ニフティサーブ、PC-VANなど、パソコン通信はインターネットが無かった90年代前半(インターネットが普及してもしばらくは)、重要な交流場所で、考察にイラスト・音楽のアップロードが活発に行われておりました。この頃はテレホーダイもなく、通信費は高額。パソコン通信でつながってること自体が、ある種の選ばれし者感がありました。
    > …

    In 考察に part, this に means “and” right? 考察 refers to things like research papers or something?

  4. Can anyone explain the meaning and grammar of this sentence to me?


    I’m confused as it seems like hamsters are both the subject and the agent of the sentence? は marks the subject and に marks the agent in passive sentences, right?

    The translation to me seems like “Hamsters rarely like being touched” but that sentence is active while the above sentence is passive.

  5. I have learned the kanas, what next?? (Just started learning, criticism is welcomed)

  6. > テレホーダイは、1995年(平成7年)8月22日から2023年(令和5年)12月31日[1]まで提供されていたNTT東日本・西日本の電話サービスのオプション(選択サービス)の商品名である。

    What is オプション (選択サービス)? A service where customers can decide what they want?

  7. I’m just now starting N5 level listening exercises. Is the best way to approach these to fully comprehend what’s being said for each question before proceeding to the next, or is it to just do my best with what I DO get from my first pass and then just keep going through it over and over?

    I found a YouTube N5 listening playlist with hours and hours of exercises and I’m wondering what the best approach is. I know all the N5 vocabulary and grammar. My listening skills need a lot of polishing.

  8. Hi. Right now I’m at N4 level having finished both genki I and II. I’m also about to finish the core 2k deck.

    I was wondering if I should continue using textbooks or if instead I should focus all that time on reading manga and visual novels while looking up all the grammar points and vocabulary I don’t understand. I’ve been trying this method and seems effective to me, but I’m worried about not having a textbook to guide me.

    Basically, my question is: should I keep working with a textbook, or spend that time immersing myself in the language? Which will take me further in less time? Is reading manga and visual novels better than doing exercises from a textbook?

    Thank you!

  9. I’m trying to write a passage in Japanese about a childhood story, and I just would like someone to double check my work.

    This is what I wrote: 子供の時に、私はお父さんにマルガ・ビルの自転車という昔話を話されてくれました。オーストラリアのバンジョー・パターソンが書いて詩です。マルガ・ビルさんは自転車を買った、でも、買ったところに自転車の事故を起こされるという面白い話です。

    This is what it is meant to say: When I was a child, my father would tell me the story of Mulga Bill’s Bicycle. It is an Australian poem written by Banjo Patterson. It is a funny story about a man who buys a bicycle, then immediately crashes it into a river.

    All feedback is appreciated, thank you! <3

  10. Is it my imagination, or are English subtitles to basically every piece of Japanese video completely different than what is being said in the video ?

    What I mean is … I will listen to some audio from a movie, try to pronounce it, and read the English subtitle. But when you go translate the English subtitle, it’s basically never the same as the audio was, it’s always something completely different. It’s like one thing is being said in the movie, and something completely different is happening in the subtitles.

  11. I’m currently confused about the difference between 開く (aku) and 開ける (akeru). In Pimsleur, they use 店は開いています (mise wa aite imasu), i.e. they use 開くto talk about a store being currently open. In Genki I however we learn 開ける(akeru) to say e.g. 窓を開ける (mado wo akeru), to open a window.

    Is the difference just because of 開くnot taking an object?
    I.e., would I use 開ける for *both* “I open the store at 8am” and “I open the window”?

    I’m assuming the difference between 閉める (shimeru) and 閉まる (shimaru) is the same, but correct me if I’m wrong.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  12. レディットのような日本語のサイトはありますか?


  13. When reading light novels and manga I constantly see もの at end of sentence, such as: 今代の魔王が倒された時、魔族や魔物の中でも特に強い力を持ったものが… What does that mean?

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