Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 06, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. I’m really struggling when it comes to saying the Japanese R sound. I have read what other people say to make the R sound. When I make the L and D sound, my tongue is in the same place. I have tried to do what people have said but I’m just confused on how to do it

  2. How much or how often should I be looking things up while immersing?

    I’m trying to do more listening immersion. I’ve always been hesitant because I felt like I didn’t know enough vocabulary and grammar rules to get anything out of it. I figured I might recognize a handful of words and maybe a sentence or two. But lately I’ve been getting a lot of videos recommended to me about immersion and AJATT. A big thing they kept saying is to “tolerate ambiguity” and it’s fine if in the beginning it all sounds like gibberish. So I started with a beginner friendly podcast and in the beginning I was understanding most of what was being said. But as the episodes went on, the person started speaking a bit faster and the topics were going beyond stuff I knew. I found myself constantly hearing words that sound familiar, but I couldn’t remember, or words that kept getting repeated that I had no idea what they meant. In those moments, should I be looking them up and making note of them? That seems like the right thing to do, but it’s getting to the point where I’m pausing the podcast like every 5 seconds to look up a word or to repeat what they said. Is it still immersion if I’m constantly pausing and rewinding? Am I truly tolerating ambiguity if I have to keep looking stuff up?

  3. I know the structure “suru koto ga aru” and “shita koto ga aru” and I’d say I understand how they work

    But are there the structures “suru koto ga atta” and “shita koto ga atta”? If so what are the nuances and differences in comparison to the other structures and are they even common or natural?

  4. I’m immersing a bit into gaming now, especially monster hunter. I love this game and can’t wait for wilds. Anyways! Can someone please help me understand some grammar and meaning here:

    アルマ:武器の選択はお済みですか? あちらのテントで好きな武器種を選べます。

    Hunter: 今は大剣とライトボウガンを装備している。

    Is アルマ asking “Have you decided on your weapon selection?” and “That tent over there has a class of weapons that I can choose from.”? Can someone please explain “お済みですか”? Both what it precisely means and how it can be used in everyday speech?

    Lastly: What’s the best translation for “装備している”? I am equipped with…? What does “いる” serve as or mean after the verb in Te-form?

    Thank you so much!!!

  5. Is there a Japanese equivalent to “doggo”, “pupper”, etc?

    I’m aware of certain names being made cuter (たんぽぽ → ぽぽちゃん). But are there ways of doing that in Japanese? And is there a collection of equivalences or what Japanese people do with names in this regard?

  6. How can I better memorize vocab?
    I’m having an okay time with grammar, but I just can’t remember vocab no matter what 😭 even if I’ve just learned it, I forget it pretty quick and if I try to do Anki, that doesn’t help either. I just forget way too fast it feels like

  7. What’s the meaning of “いっときますか” in this sentence: “フェス前に景気付けいっときますか!”?

    I don’t think it’s the abbreviation of 言っておく but I haven’t any other ideas

  8. 1.2カップ


    Edit: 大便利 … だいべんり、でしょう?

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