Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 24, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. To practice my handwriting recognition ability, I need help transcribing this letter from Akiba maid wars episode 6: https://imgur.com/a/74npdFG

    I think it reads:


    謹啓 初夏の候皆様には益々御清栄の段大慶至[?]に存じ上げます。




    Did I got all kanji right? I am not sure what is the kanji indicated by [?] in the 拝啓.

  2. 2 questions:

    How am I supposed to use やっぱり? Every example I’ve seen doesn’t provide a clear meaning for me, so if anyone can dumb it down for me, that’d be extremely helpful.

    Also, what’s up with こと? I read that it means “thing” but why does it pop up in phrases like そういうこと, so I’m just wondering why the hell it’s there.

  3. hi hi.

    i cant count dates to save my life. i thought なのか was 9日, for example.
    i also cannot write 入った properly. it’s written as はいた when i write it, almost always. (also, there’s はいった and いれた which i don’t get correct)
    i cannot choose the correct particles で and に to form sentences.

    here’s my problem. but how do i solve these?

  4. Dont understand some of the dialogue sentences from the quartet 1 chapter 3 Listening excersice 2 レストランで並ぶこと. Andrea is giving a speech in class

    1. 週末、日本人の友達と晩ご飯を食べに行きました。その友達が「食べたいラーメンがある」と言うのでそのお店に行ったのですが、私たちが行った時には、もうたくさんの人が並んでいました。待っている間に、友達に、「日本人は待つのが好きだよね。本当によく行列を見るよ」と言ったら、「外国の人も並んでるよ。何か新しいものが発売される時は、どこでもたくさん並んでるでしょう?例えば、スマートフォンとか、テレビゲームとか。それに、イタリアに旅行に行った時、ピザの店で結構待たされたよ」と言われました。

    In “その友達が「食べたいラーメンがある」と言う” from 1st sentence and “「ピザの店で結構待たされたよ」と言われました” from last sentence, why does Andrea use と言う and 言われました when quoting his friend instead of と言っていた ? Genki 1 says to use と言っていた if you were there when someone said something, so im confused since Andrea was there.

    Confused with 本当によく in 4th sentence. “While we were waiting, when i told my friend: “Japanese like to wait, right? Truly(本当に) good(よく) look at the line”… Does this maybe mean take a good look at the line?

    Confused with どこでもたくさん in 5th sentence, is his friend saying: “When any new thing is released, anywhere many(people) will line up, right?”

    What does 結構 in last sentence mean? I understand this as: “When i went to Italy, i was forced to wait at the pizza store!”, but dunno what 結構 means here.

    2. 確かに日本人だけが長い行列に並ぶとは限りません。でも、日本人にとって行列に並ぶことは、あまり大変なことではないようだと感じます。皆さんは何のためなら並んでもいいですか。どのぐらいの時間なら待てますか?

    Not sure if im understanding this. Especially the なら and てもいい

    “Certainly it doesn’t necessarily mean that only Japanese wait in long lines. But, it feels(感じます?) that to the Japanese it seems(よう) that waiting in line isn’t a bad thing. Everyone, if its for the sake of what(何のためなら?), is it ok to stand in line(並んでもいい?) How many hours can you wait(?)”

  5. how do you google a “shows similar to [show name]” query in Japanese. because adding 推薦 or おすすめ along with the show isn’t giving me show recommendations but “best episodes” of that series.

  6. hey I’m just looking for a better description in nuance for the use of なのね vs just simply ね at the end of a sentence

    I am currently listening to mayonaka no door as a lot of the kanji is now understandable and just looking for more insight with the lyrics

    相変わらずなのね which translates to “it’s the same as always isn’t it?” I believe
    what is the use for adding なの for nuance and is it the same な for noun/ na adjectives?
    Thanks 🙂

    edit: wording

  7. hello there ! , I’m searching for a website where i can create my own sentences in Japanese and check whether or not they are correct grammatically. is there anything like that ?

  8. How long do people usually use premade Anki decks? I’m nearly done with Kaishi 1.5k, and after finishing this (along with Medamayaki’s grammar deck) I think I simply wish to spend all my study time reading. I will still be using Anki for sentence mining. Is this practical? I ask because it’s often recommended to complete the 2k/6k deck which is 3 times the amount of cards I’ve set out here.

    I wish to learn efficiently, and my end goal is to read novels.

  9. ご pronunciation. I’ve heard it pronounced as “Go” and “Ngo”, the latter being somewhat nasal. I’ve always been under the impression that this is a regional variation more than anything else. Is this a correct understanding?

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